Monthly Traffic in Hosting
All our hosting plans are appropriate for any small-scale to medium-sized web site or even a larger number of sites. Considering that you can host many domains using one account, we've designed our plans in a way so as to supply all features you'll need. Regardless if you own an individual portfolio website or an electronic commerce site, the monthly site traffic allowance that your site can use won't be a problem. Thus, you'll have the chance to widen your worldwide web presence and obtain a large number of new visitors without having to worry about getting to some limit. The Hepsia hosting Control Panel provides you with detailed details about the traffic usage to and from your account, that will enable you to manage your websites as well as your account better. You are able to check hourly, daily and monthly stats, the site traffic generated by each individual domain and by the account as a whole, the most often downloaded files, etc.
Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers
All our semi-dedicated server plans are intended to host various resource-demanding websites because they come with a large amount of computing power. Such websites constantly generate a lot of web site traffic and for this reason we've made the decision not to restrict this feature. When you have a semi-dedicated server, you will be able to have as many visitors as you can get without having to worry that you will reach a restriction for the traffic they will generate. For your benefit, you will be able to monitor what's going on in your account since we'll supply you with hourly, daily and monthly stats for the web site traffic your sites generate. Which means that, you will have an idea of how they function any time. You will even be able to see which webpage or file has produced the most traffic for each and every web site hosted in your semi-dedicated server account.
Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers
The monthly traffic allowance you will get with our VPS servers is enough for almost any website and it is proportional to the remainder of the system resources that are included with each and every package. Using a more powerful server, you'll be able to manage multiple websites or a few really popular websites, thus the website traffic allowance for the higher packages is also higher. In case you choose a low-end VPS package, you'll be able to enhance it anytime with a few mouse-clicks via your billing Control Panel and the extra resources will be included in your current account, along with the increased site visitors quota. Our VPS accounts include a server administration panel where you'll be able to keep track of the used and remaining traffic for the current month in addition to all of the other system resources. In addition, we send announcements when you get to 90% of the limit, so you have enough time to react and update if necessary.
Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers
Taking into account how powerful our Linux dedicated web hosting plans are, the data transfer that you'll get each month will be sufficient for any type of site whatever the number of its visitors, even if you provide image or file hosting. You will get an allowance of terabytes of website traffic every month and since you won't share the server with anyone else, that allowance will be provided just for your websites and web apps. We will notify you whenever you get to 90% of the quota which means that you can react and either optimize your sites to lower the site traffic they make, or increase the limit. It's highly unlikely that you may ever require more than what we will provide, however we will not stop the development of your sites, so we leave the possibility to add additional site traffic open. The dedicated server plans feature an administration panel where you'll be able to see how much website traffic has been generated to date for the present month and the amount that is left until you get to the cap. Due to the fact that these figures contain software setups as well as all updates, they are more precise than any hosting Control Panel statistics that include only the site traffic made by websites.