Dreamweaver Compatible in Hosting
We support websites designed with Dreamweaver, so no matter which hosting package you will choose, you will be able to work with this app to build and maintain your online presence. You won't even have to use a third-party FTP client or log in to your Hepsia hosting Control Panel to upload the content. You can simply add the FTP info for your account in the Dreamweaver settings and the application will connect to our cloud platform and copy all the content which you've generated on your laptop or desktop. In addition, you can edit your website in the same way and without any difficulties - the present files on our servers will be overwritten by the new ones, so the updated content which you publish will go live immediately.
Dreamweaver Compatible in Semi-dedicated Servers
All of the Linux semi-dedicated servers that we offer are compatible with hosting sites built with Dreamweaver. When you create the site on your PC, you can simply press the publish button and type the FTP login info for your account on our end. All files will be copied to our cloud platform with no need to use the Hepsia Control Panel or any other FTP client. The info you type in in the Dreamweaver settings section is saved, so you can easily update your website by changing the pages on your end and clicking on the Publish button - it's as easy as that. In addition, you can create and manage a couple of websites at the same time - you only need to create a few FTP accounts using your Control Panel, each of them with access to just a single domain folder, and after that choose the needed account when you publish the website with Dreamweaver.