If you notice a large increase in the traffic to your website and if after you examine the visitor stats it turns out that it comes from places around the world or from other servers, your Internet site is most likely being attacked by an automatic bot. Such pieces of software go through random sites seeking to log in to their admin area by using a brute-force attack or to leave spam comments beneath any article where this sort of an option is offered. Unfortunately, that is something relatively common these days, but if you know the IP addresses from which the attacks come, you can block them, so the bots won't be able to access your website in any way. Certainly, you are able to block IPs even if you allow only people from certain countries to access your Internet site.

IP Blocking in Hosting

Our IP Blocking tool is part of the revolutionary Hepsia hosting CP, offered with all hosting accounts. It will enable you to block addresses with just a few clicks. No coding abilities are required, due to the fact that you'll use an intuitive interface - you simply need to select a domain or a subdomain from a drop-down menu and type in the IP address that you'd like to be blocked. You'll be able to see all the IP addresses that you have added inside the exact same section and whitelisting each of them shall take simply a click. If you notice that your site is being flooded by different IPs, you'll be able to block an entire IP range also. This can be completed by omitting the last number of the address. For example, if you need to block all 254 addresses from to, you simply need to enter 1.1.1. and leave the last spot blank .

IP Blocking in Semi-dedicated Servers

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with our Linux semi-dedicated servers, will permit you to solve the issue with unwanted traffic very efficiently. It comes with an IP blocking tool where you can add IP addresses with several mouse clicks. All domains and subdomains you have in the account shall be listed in a drop-down menu, so you simply have to choose the one you need and then type the IP address which should be blocked. If you wish to block an entire range, a C-class network for example, you simply need to enter the first three octets of the IP and leave the last one blank. This will block all 254 addresses, so you shall not have to type in them manually. Considering that all the IPs that you include in this section shall be listed, you could effortlessly unblock any one of them by clicking the Delete button associated with the particular IP.