The term overselling means offering system resources to customers without having the capability to provide them. In simple words, a web hosting provider could advertise a solution with infinite disk space when, in reality, the client's account will be made on a server with a lot of other accounts sharing the total space. To ensure that all of the customers have a share, companies often set hidden quotas for every single account and thus deceive their clients about the resources they can take advantage of. The main reason to oversell is to get new customers although service providers know that a server can have only so many hard disk drives. Resellers often get packages with restricted resources as well, which means that they are unable to provide the unlimited plans they advertise.

No Overselling in Hosting

Unlike many other hosting service providers, we do not oversell as we simply don't have to. The capabilities which we've listed for our hosting plans are what you'll truly get if you sign up with our company. The explanation for our warranties is a revolutionary cloud web hosting platform which will provide all of the system resources each of our users could ever need. As an alternative to storing files and running SQL or e-mail servers and other system processes on a single machine, we have separate clusters of servers managing each one of these services, so you will never run into a situation where the server does not have enough resources for your Internet sites. When we need more disk space or more memory, we can just attach the needed hardware or even whole servers to each and every cluster, so if you use one of our web hosting packages, you'll always get what you have paid for.

No Overselling in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server packages come with numerous unlimited features, but in contrast to other providers, we do not oversell and we can really afford to offer limitless disk space or databases. What lies behind our confidence is a state-of-the-art cloud platform which incorporates a number of clusters, each one taking care of a particular service - files, e-mail addresses, statistics, databases, etc. Since we're able to put as many disk drives or servers to any of the clusters as needed, we can virtually never run out of system resources, so if you pay for something unlimited, you'll actually get it. Our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel was designed particularly for this custom cloud setup, so if you use a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you can get the most out of your Internet sites.