UPS is an abbreviation for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source. This is a battery used to power a personal computer or a hosting server to avoid the loss of information in case the main power source fails for reasons unknown or becomes unstable. A diesel generator is more or less self-explanatory. UPSs and generators are used as a backup in data centers to back up the main power source and to guarantee the constant operation of all the web servers located there. Because the UPS runs constantly, it provides the desired power for the machines to remain working until the generator starts and takes over. Using such a backup is critical for any data center or service provider that wants to keep their hardware and data intact in the event of a power surge or outage, due to the fact that it gives them ample time to react until the issue is resolved and the primary power supply is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Hosting

The 99.9% network and web server uptime warranty which we offer you is, in part, a result of the electrical power backup setup we have in every of the three data centers where we provide hosting packages - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK), and in Sydney (Australia). If you get a new account to create or move your websites, it'll be created on a progressive cloud platform which consists of numerous clusters handling your content. Every single hosting server inside the selected cluster features its own highly effective enterprise-class UPS to keep it operational no matter what, until quite a few electrical power generators boot up and provide the necessary power for the whole data center to remain operating for many hours. You won't notice anything even in case there is an interruption, as our backup units can power all the devices and we shall not have to reduce the number of working hosting servers or the network equipment that manages the traffic to your sites.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Semi-dedicated Servers

We provide you with semi-dedicated server accounts within our data center in the downtown area of Chicago and one of the factors behind our 99.9% uptime warranty is the fantastic backup setup the facility has. Your new account will be set up on our top-notch web hosting platform and each one of the web servers which are part of it includes its own powerful UPS unit that will keep it fully operational at highest capacity until numerous diesel generators take over. The latter will keep the whole facility functioning for a long period of time, without any limitations on the number or the sort of devices that can work, so you will not detect any difference in the overall performance or the loading speed of any website you host there. With our semi-dedicated hosting servers, you'll have the opportunity to use a top-quality web hosting service without disruptions of any kind.